Monday, October 20, 2014

Data Gathering and Preparation for Frac Sand Mining Project

Goals and Objectives

The goal of this assignment was to become familiar with the process of downloading data from different sources on the internet. After downloading the data the next step was to import it into ArcGIS, join the data, and then project the data from the different online sources into one coordinate system. Once that was accomplished the last task was to create and design a geodatabase to store the data.

General Methods

The first part of this lab consisted of data downloading from online resources.  Before any downloading could be done it was first important to create a temporary file folder in the Q drive.  This allows large zip files to be downloaded only temporarily so they do not take up space on the server.  From the temp folder the zip files were extracted into a working folder where they can be manipulated and later put into a geodatabase. In figure 1 below are the sources where the data was gathered from, as well as what was downloaded from them.

Figure 1

When looking at the NRCS Soil Survey data alone it isn't as beneficial as one would like it to be.  To enhance it's usability the SSURGO data had to be imported and joined with the soils data, along with the drainage index and productivity index.  To do some of this we had to use Microsoft Access, ArcMap, and ArcCatalog.  Lastly we had to bring in railroad data from the DOT and clip it to the Trempealeau County border.

After all of the data was downloaded and the geodatabase was organized, the python script was written, which can be seen in my second blog post labeled "Python Scripting".  From the Python Script in post two the following maps were created:

Figure 2: Trempealeau County

Figure 3: Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Trempealeau County

Figure 4: NASS Cropland Data for Trempealeau County

 Figure 5: Land Cover Data for Trempealeau County

Data Accuracy

By looking at the metadata one can learn more about the data and also about the data's limitations.  Figure 6 has all of the available metadata for the sources provided.  If the data couldn't be found then it it marked with N/A.


being able to download data from outside sources, join it, organize it in a geodatabase, and then manipulate it in ArcGIS is a valuable skill.  This exercise provided good practice on doing all of those things and also taught us how frustrating dealing with downloaded data can be.  Preparing the data for use in ArcGIS took a lot of time and effort because the people who created it didn't have a set metadata template to follow.  Using Python two set up our map layers was also frustrating but left one with a feeling of accomplishment when the code finally ran without errors.

Python Scripts

Python is a cross platform open source programming language.  Python is a very good language for accomplishing geoproccessing tools in GIS. This helped make it the language of choice for ESRI's ArcGIS, as well as many other GIS programs.  It's easy to learn compared to other languages and is also very widely used and well supported.  As programming grows in importance, future employers will expect prospective employees to know a programming language such as this.
For this lab the task was to write a script that would project the rasters, clip them to the county boundary, and load them into a geodatabase.

Sand Mining in Western Wisconsin

Frac sand mining in Wisconsin is something that has been around for a while, but has ramped up in quantity over the last couple years.  Wisconsin is one of the only locations in the country where sand of such a high quality can be found, because before it can be used in hydrofracking it must first meet very stringent standards.  Frac sand mining is basically the systematic removal of sand from mining locations.  That sand is then used in filter beds, well screen packing, glass making, dairy operations, but mostly and more recently for use in hydrofracking in the petroleum industries.  Hydrofracking is used to extract crude oil and natural gas from sand and rock deep under the surface.  The sand is specifically used to keep the fissures open that the pressure creates, allowing natural gas and crude oil to be extracted from the well.  The increase in Hydrofracking has greatly increased the demand for sand mines in Central and Western Wisconsin, where silica sand is very common.
Figure 1: the Hydrofracking Process

When it comes to the environmental impacts of frac sand mining the list goes on and on.  Air impacts, blasting, transportation burdens, employee health hazards, water pollution, noise pollution, etc.  It really is an exhausting list of impacts that frac sand mining can have.  but with these negative impacts there are some positives.  Numerous jobs are created every time a new mine is constructed.  The economy also improves when a mine is opened.

It's a tough question to answer whether these mines are positive or negative in Wisconsin. One way would be to weigh the economic gains against the environmental impacts.  In this GIS II class we will delve deeper into the impacts of frac sand mines on the environment and on the people that inhabit it.  By the end of the class the goal is to have a suitability and risk model for the mines, specifically in Trempealeau County Wisconsin.
